red cinema chair


Den of Thieves 2 (2025)

Brace yourselves for a high-stakes, adrenaline-pumping ride in Den of Thieves 2 as the gritty crew returns for another daring heist. This time, the stakes are higher, the risks deadlier, and the betrayals sharper than ever. With Gerard Butler leading the charge as "Big Nick," the line between cop and criminal blurs in an intense, globe-spanning chase.

Expect brutal confrontations, masterful schemes, and action-packed chaos as the crew navigates the dangerous world of global crime. Is it intense? Absolutely. Is it thrilling? Without a doubt. Will it leave you on the edge of your seat? If explosive twists and raw grit are your thing, then you’re in for one hell of a ride.

Babygirl (2025)

Brace yourselves for a complex, emotional journey in Babygirl (2025), starring Nicole Kidman in a bold, captivating role. This intense drama delves into a taboo love affair between a mature woman and a younger man, exploring themes of desire, longing, and the consequences of breaking societal norms. Kidman’s powerful performance brings raw emotion and vulnerability to the screen, while the younger man’s (yet to be cast) performance adds an irresistible tension to the story. With emotional twists and deep character development, Babygirl is a thought-provoking exploration of passion, sacrifice, and self-discovery.

Is it emotional? Absolutely. Is it daring? Without a doubt. Will it leave you questioning societal expectations? If you’re ready for a bold and provocative narrative, then you’re in for an unforgettable experience.

Companion (2025)

In Companion (2025), a billionaire’s mysterious death sets off a chain of unsettling events for Iris and her friends during a weekend getaway to his secluded lakeside estate. Directed by Drew Hancock and produced by Zach Cregger, Raphael Margules, and J.D. Lifshitz, this American science fiction psychological thriller blurs the line between reality and technology.