Flight Risk High Altitude Tension, Blunt Action, and Wahlberg's Woes Mark Wahlberg and Michelle Dockery face off in Flight Risk, a high-stakes thriller that soars with action but stumbles in execution. Directed by Mel Gibson, the film follows a mob accountant, an unflappable U.S. Marshal, and a hitman pilot as they battle on a plane in midair. Wahlberg’s rugged mercenary is caught in a whirlwind of chaos, but his repetitive beatings and laughable hairstyle steal focus. Despite slick visuals and some tense moments, the plot flounders, and the pacing feels like it’s running out of fuel. Ready for a bumpy ride? Buckle up and see if it’s worth the flight.
The Tipsy Critic
1/30/20254 min read

Flight Risk (2025)
Release Date: January 24, 2025
Director: Mel Gibson
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Michelle Dockery, Topher Grace
Let me set the scene: It’s a rare midweek afternoon off. After indulging in a burger and a couple of beers (because, why not?), I decided to hit the cinema. The trailers rolled in just as I got settled, and "Captain America: New World Order" immediately caught my attention—seriously, that movie cannot come soon enough. But we’re not here to talk about that. Let’s dive into Flight Risk, the film I reluctantly chose after deciding there wasn’t much else playing.
Spoiler alert: I wasn’t exactly blown away.
What’s the Premise?
The movie opens in the Alaskan wilderness, where we meet Winston (Topher Grace), a mob accountant who’s been hiding out in the middle of nowhere. Law enforcement finally tracks him down—led by U.S. Marshal Madelyn (Michelle Dockery)—and he agrees to testify against his mob boss in exchange for protection. So far, so good, right?
But here’s where things get dicey: the flight back to Seattle is supposed to be a straightforward transport mission. Enter Daryl Booth (Mark Wahlberg), the Texan pilot with a secret. Turns out, he’s a hitman sent to take Winston out before he can testify. Cue a tense (well, semi-tense) high-altitude standoff as the film spends almost its entire runtime aboard a small aircraft. The stakes? Not quite as sky-high as they could’ve been.
Performances: The Good, the Bad, and the Wahlberg
Let’s start with Michelle Dockery, who plays the lead as Marshal Madelyn. She does her best to bring credibility to the role of a badass law enforcement officer, balancing her tough exterior with moments of vulnerability. Unfortunately, the script does her no favors—clunky dialogue and half-baked character development make it hard for her to shine.
Then we’ve got Mark Wahlberg as Daryl Booth. Oh boy. Wahlberg’s performance is... something. At first, he leans into the Texan charm, but once his character is tied up and essentially incapacitated, he spends the rest of the movie getting tasered, punched, shot, and generally beaten to a pulp. Seriously, this must’ve been the easiest paycheck Wahlberg has ever earned—no acting required. Oh, and his hairstyle? Absolutely ridiculous. Picture Wahlberg with a grandad haircut. It’s unintentionally hilarious and completely distracts from any tension his character is supposed to bring.
Topher Grace, meanwhile, provides some much-needed comic relief as Winston, the accountant-turned-reluctant witness. Grace has a knack for playing the awkward everyman, and while his jokes land here and there, his character ultimately feels too undercooked to make a lasting impression.
Direction and Execution: Grounded in the Wrong Way
With Mel Gibson at the helm, I expected something intense and gripping. Unfortunately, this feels like a low point for Gibson as a director. "Flight Risk" had all the ingredients for a tight, claustrophobic thriller: a confined setting, a small cast, and a clear ticking clock. Instead, what we get is a meandering plot that never really takes off.
The repetitive structure of the movie—fly, fight, fly, fight—grows stale after about 20 minutes. The action sequences, while occasionally entertaining, lack originality and tension. And don’t get me started on the dialogue. It’s almost laughable at times, with characters spouting lines that feel ripped straight out of a parody.
What Critics Are Saying
I wasn’t the only one left underwhelmed. Critics have been tearing this movie apart. According to the Times of India, the film lacks compelling drama and wastes its action scenes. Meanwhile, The Guardian acknowledges the film’s silliness but calls it “diverting and ingenious” in moments, mostly because of the cast's efforts.
Rotten Tomatoes isn’t being kind, either. The movie currently sits at a dismal 26% approval rating, and Metacritic isn’t much better with a 36/100 score. Ouch. It seems like most viewers agree: "Flight Risk" had potential, but it completely misses the mark.
A Few (Unintentional) Highlights
Despite its flaws, there are a few moments that deserve mention—if only for their sheer absurdity. Michelle Dockery’s character somehow manages to pilot the plane despite having no prior flying experience. Not only that, but she does so while engaging in hand-to-hand combat. Is it realistic? Absolutely not. But hey, it’s kind of fun to watch if you suspend all disbelief.
And let’s talk about the repetitive beatings Wahlberg’s character endures. I lost count of how many times he got tasered, punched, or otherwise incapacitated. By the end, it feels like the filmmakers just gave up on him as a character and decided to turn him into a glorified punching bag.
Topher Grace’s Winston does provide some light comic relief, though his constant fumbling and whining start to wear thin after a while. At least his awkwardness adds a bit of levity to an otherwise dull script.
The Verdict: A Flight Not Worth Boarding
At its core, "Flight Risk" feels like a missed opportunity. The premise had potential, and with a more polished script and tighter direction, this could’ve been a taut, entertaining thriller. Instead, we get a film that’s bogged down by repetitive action, lackluster performances, and a story that feels more grounded than it should be (and not in a good way).
Would I recommend it? Only if you’ve exhausted every other option and are really, really desperate for something to watch. Otherwise, save your time and money for something more rewarding—like that "Captain America" movie I mentioned earlier.
Final Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4 out of 10)
Until next time, keep your burgers juicy, your beers cold, and your expectations low. Cheers! 🍔🍺